February 6, 2025

The wheels of technology never seem to stop spinning. It is a challenge to keep up with the latest gadget or software because a newer version is made shortly after its release.

Apple Company makes its presence known in the technology world through their constant software updates and features, most recently adding the new iTunes Match.

Despite the economic slump, Apple has kept their head above water. With the help of their hottest products, the iPad and the iPhone 4S, they have managed to stay well ahead of their competitors.

According to The New York Times, there has been an evident increase of Apple products sold: “The company reported big increases in the sale of the iPad and of Mac computers, and even said the number of iPhones it sold in the quarter jumped 21 percent from 2010.”

The iTunes Match has been a perfect fit to assist with their growing profit. It was completed in June of this year but did not make its first appearance on the market until the beginning of November.

The use of the iTunes Match is similar to iCloud in that they both automatically sync applications and music into each Apple device.

“iTunes Match lets tracks users have ‘ripped’ from a purchased CD or acquired through other means to listen to their music from multiple devices where the digital files are stored,” Computerworld said.

The perk of this newest feature is that it is transmitted to all other devices owned by a person wirelessly and without synching. This time efficient system is beneficial due to the simple fact that it is hassle-free. People no longer have to wait for their downloaded items to appear on their other devices. They now automatically appear in their devices within a matter of minutes.

The iTunes Match and the iTunes 10.5.1 update make a perfect duo as it offers users the newest software update to Apple devices.

According to Computerworld, the focal point of the newest update is to help prevent any scammed issues, “which fixed one critical security vulnerability that could let attackers push fake software updates to Windows and Mac users.”

It is important to note that in order for iTunes Match to be used the latest software update 10.5.1 must be downloaded. Not only is the newest software update necessary in using the feature but the Internet speed and volume of a person’s collection also affects the effectiveness of iTunes Match.

“The speed with which iTunes Match matches tracks, then uploads files to iCloud depends on the size of the user’s collection and the speed of his or her Internet connection,” stated Computerworld.

There is a $24.99 fee per year for the subscription of iTunes Match. After the first year’s subscription, it automatically renews for the upcoming year. Despite the necessary payment, this feature provides extra savings because it allows users to access any of their application and music libraries on any device.

As Apple makes new changes in this ever evolving world of technology, it is up to each individual to keep up with these new innovations.

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