The classic tale of “Beauty and the Beast” follows a simple formula: girl meets beast, girl is...
Day: February 16, 2012
Bright colors, cute animals and stories about the power of friendship make the perfect recipe for a...
After a long day of classes or work, the thought of going home and...
Whatever your taste in tacos requires, there are many cheap and delicious hot spots...
Loyal fans of piano rock band The Fray may have to wait longer for a different-sounding...
Sandals – The Co-Op’s Exposé Wednesdays at 8:15 p.m. 150 Palmyrita Ave. Riverside, CA...
Wanda’s Cafe, located in the Yeager Center, offers many meal options but is known for its...
You’re probably one of the youngest members of the faculty with a doctorate? I...
When you are tired of eating the same food and crave a filling and delicious home-cooked...
In every occupation, in every walk of life, no matter what your talents are,...
The unfortunate reality of New Year’s resolutions is that a large number of students will not...
Dancing, playing volleyball, golfing, running and competing in baseball and soccer were ideally made...
You are almost finished with your three-mile run. Your body is fatigued, and you...
The Associated Students of California Baptist University office has a mission to care for students with quality...
Full-time missionaries John and Wanda Casias were murdered during a home invasion in their Santiago, Mexico home...