January 21, 2025

Most college students are dependent on caffeinated drinks, but unfortunately these drinks leave the teeth looking dull and yellow.

There are cheap and effective ways to maintain white teeth without spending a fortune on whiteners.

There are countless do-it-yourself teeth whiteners that only require a few ingredients and are easy to make.

For example, foods that are calcium-enriched help prevent yellow teeth and can brighten smiles in an instant.

According to a new study from the Academy of General Dentistry, eating cheese after a meal can help prevent tooth decay and restore the enamel on one’s teeth.

Eating fruits in the morning can also give the teeth a natural glow all day, especially strawberries.

“Strawberries provide an astringent cleansing that fights naturally-occurring bacteria called biofilm,” said Dr. Daniel Llop, certified dental technician and owner of nSequence Center for Advanced Dentistry in Reno, Nev.

One could also use fruit to whiten one’s teeth. Making a paste that contains baking soda and strawberries is easy to prepare.

Results can be seen immediately after applying the paste, because strawberries contain an enzyme called malic acid that removes stains from teeth.

Another way to whiten one’s teeth is to simply take the inside of a banana peel and rub it onto the teeth for two minutes. The banana peel contains natural minerals such as potassium and magnesium that absorb into the teeth, which causes the teeth to appear whiter.

Sydney Iturarran, sophomore mathematics major, uses the banana peel method.

“It is a more natural way of whitening my teeth without using the harsh chemicals found in commercial brands and a huge plus that it is much cheaper,” Iturarran said.

Another cheap and  effective do-it-yourself method only requires a mouth guard, baking soda and some lemon juice.

Mix the two ingredients, fill the mouth guard with the mixture, and leave it on for 10-15 minutes. After the residue is rinsed off, teeth will appear whiter.

Also, when chewing gum, look for gums that contain xylitol. This is a natural sweetener that helps prevent plaque. It counteracts the naturally occurring pH levels in the mouth and increases saliva production, leaving teeth brighter after chewing.

These methods can brighten smiles in an instant and help students save money.

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