January 20, 2025

Lauren Koski | Banner Saul Sanchez, sophomore international business major, has lost 35 pounds since making the choice to run an average of 30 miles a week.

Run to the Galleria at Tyler. Run back to campus. Go shopping for organic foods. Refuse the giant chocolate chip cookies at the Alumni Dining Commons. Sleep. Repeat. This is the life of Saul Sanchez.

Sanchez, sophomore international business major, is taking  charge of his health and is  fighting through California Baptist University’s food and beverage options at the ADC.

Sanchez said he gained 30 pounds  during his freshman year at CBU due to overeating and late night high calorie snacks.

“Saul’s always been a runner,” said Brandon Green, sophomore healthcare administration major and roommate of Sanchez. “Freshman year he would run, but because he ran he felt like he could eat double.”

The summer after his freshman year, Sanchez went on an International Service Project to Russia and began eating smaller, European-sized meals. Sanchez chose to continue the healthy eating habits he adopted during his trip to Russia.

“I had already lost 10 pounds in Russia, so I asked myself, ‘What could I do here in the States?’” Sanchez said. “I just changed my eating habits and started running every day.”

Sanchez runs to the Galleria at Tyler almost every day and averages running about 30 miles a week. He passes up some of the richer, higher-calorie foods at the ADC and eats only organic food when he is home.

Josh Ruchalski, sophomore business marketing major, said Sanchez’s progress is rooted in commitment and that he motivates others through his dedicated self-control.

“He definitely inspires others to live healthier and to be more active,” Ruchalski said. “He has helped me because if I want to go to In-N-Out and eat a lot of late-night burgers, he will always resist the urge to pig out, and this makes me think twice.”

By sticking to a healthier lifestyle, Sanchez has lost 35 pounds and counting. His goal weight is 195 pounds and currently is at 205 pounds. Seeing progress is what is most important to Sanchez for motivation to run another day. Sanchez said he is happy with the progress that he has made and is looking forward to continuing the journey of weight loss.

“You feel better about yourself,” Sanchez said. “You start enjoying life a little bit more, as cliche as that sounds.”

For students on campus who struggle making healthy decisions, Sanchez suggests making changes in eating and exercising habits one step at a time to reach their individual goals.

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