American residents of Mexican, Central and South American, Spain and Caribbean decent celebrate their...
Monica Martinez
During spring break, the 2011 senior class gift was constructed. This year’s gift, the...
The economy hurts all people, including those who want to earn a degree. It...
Age, gender and race are common characteristics of diversity. At California Baptist University, faculty...
First came eight tracks, then cassettes, CDs and now MP3s. The music stays the...
“She will continue to cheer in heaven,” Director of Athletics at California Baptist University...
Living in southern California gives people plenty of options when it comes to Mexican...
College students can make mistakes. Procrastinating, avoiding responsibilities and trouble balancing work and play...
Starting in the summer semester, the Student Accounts office will implement new policies regarding...
A new report released by the Pew Research Center found that more college students...
Seniors at California Baptist University prepare for their lives as post-grads as Dec. 17...
There was no trick or treating for newly-elected Democratic governor Jerry Brown this Halloween....