Channing Tatum and Reid Carolin’s “Dog,” as a movie, has the potential to save...
Movie review
“Bohemian Rhapsody,” (2018) a Queen biopic that pays tribute to classic rock star Freddie...
“Star Wars: The Last Jedi” became last year’s highest grossing film after earning $1.3...
“Insurgent,” the second movie installment based on the best-selling dystopian series “Divergent” by Veronica...
Trying to tackle the life of a monumental figure such as Dr. Martin Luther...
Focusing on how to honor God, family and others, ‘Courageous’ is a film that...
Finding the one person who can see past the surface into you really are...
Rarely are there movies that involve God and His glory. “The Grace Card” places...
It is said that the fall months are the graveyard of movie releases, where...
Harry Potter: the boy who lived, the boy who inspired the viral “Potter Puppet...