California Baptist University’s well-known mascot, “Lance the Lancer,” has grown historically with CBU’s Athletics...
Yvonne Chavira
This season, California Baptist University wrestling has a young squad, including 22 freshmen, five...
The Lancers men’s soccer team finished its season overall 5-11-2 and went 4-5-1 in...
When it comes to thrift shopping, millennials have become the most popular generation to...
Samantha Martirez, junior journalism and new media major, has contributed to the women’s golf...
Guard Jordan Heading, senior kinesiology major, has contributed five years to the California Baptist...
It is 90 percent mental and 10 percent physical. Research shows that most athletes...
California Baptist University women’s softball traveled to Texas over the weekend of Feb. 8-10 ...
California Baptist University women’s softball traveled to Texas over the weekend of Feb. 8-10...
Intramural sports teams at California Baptist University are in need of referees. Community Life...
Britney Thomas, junior psychology major and forward, has been named three-time Western Athletic Conference...
California Baptist University’s women’s water polo, softball and men’s baseball are all gearing up...
Making new friends while competing in sports can be a great way to get...