Netflix released “Cheer” a documentary following the nationally ranked Navarro College cheer team from...
Month: October 2020
As 2020 progressed into its ninth month, restrictions guarding the population against COVID-19 began...
Bullet journaling is a great way to keep life organized while finding an aesthetic...
Certain sports at California Baptist University are more fast paced compared to other sports;...
Jacob Adler, a California Baptist University alumnus, graduated with a degree in applied theology...
Although they are known for being the happiest places on earth, Walt Disney theme...
A student and his professor from the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia, published...
For consumers, being able to open their phone, bring out a controller and play...
Community Life has completely reshaped its approach to events this semester to abide by...
Current events have promoted many discussions in our society, and particularly in light of...
The word “toxic” has become a popular buzzword over the years. What exactly does...
Social media has taken the world by storm. It is continuing to change our...
Gov. Gavin Newsom announced Sept. 23 that California will transition completely to the sale...
The first 2020 presidential debate took place Sept. 29 between President Donald J. Trump...
This semester, California Baptist University is hosting Parent and Family Weekend virtually from Nov....
Technology that, a few years ago, was used for little more than to play...
A new feature, the Climate Clock, was added to New York City’s Union Square...
The COVID-19 pandemic has shown whose jobs are essential to keeping our society going,...
Spiritual Life’s Mobilization office is working with LifeStream to host a blood drive from...
After a series and season marked by delays as well as precautions and restrictions...
In an age of biased news and social media, information can be easily skewed...
As a result of the pandemic, the Western Athletic Conference has postponed all fall...
In the age of nostalgic fan service, the classic NBC sitcom “The Fresh Prince...
These days, consumers expect deliveries in record time, but Amazon is about to start...
“Vote. Voice. Use Your Feet,” these are the three phrases imparted to me when...
Ellen DeGeneres returned to her hit talk show Sept. 18 for its 18th season...
It was impossible to foresee the events that led to the global pandemic of...
The coronavirus recently hit its sixth month in California. With no clear end in...
With California amusement parks closed for the last six months because of the novel...
“Dune,” a well-known and immensely-loved novel series by Frank Herberg is coming back to...
During a worldwide pandemic it has been difficult to find activities to distract yourself....
To limit crowds, professional sports have implemented the use of “virtual fans” in their...
Student production company Elephant Room, consisting of four close friends and senior film production...
With gyms shut down across the country and at California Baptist University, students have...