As seniors prepare for commencement, adding unique and innovative decorations to their graduation cap...
Maria Gamez
As the academic year comes to an end, final exams are just around the...
Picking the right college can be daunting, yet numerous college students evaluated their wants...
A student’s college experience and social engagment is directly affected by whether he or...
Students at California Baptist University have a variety of on-campus food options, which o...
Missionary trips are an op- portunity for students to travel and provide the outreach...
College students who choose to travel across the globe gain beneficial and life-changing experiences....
After fighting to protect the United States, some veterans return to college may face...
Early mornings, late-night practices and school deadlines are a few of the struggles student-athletes...
The thought of college can be nerve-racking when meeting unfamiliar faces, selecting a major...