Sitting down and watching a movie is simple for an audience, but behind the...
After four years of anticipation, “The Little Mermaid” live-action teaser trailer release has sent...
I have a confession to make: before going to see “Morbius” in theaters, I...
“Dune,” a well-known and immensely-loved novel series by Frank Herberg is coming back to...
Nicholas Litwin, junior graphic design major at California Baptist University, started out with a...
The average price for a movie ticket in the United States reached an all-time...
“Coco,” the 2017 Disney Pixar movie about a 12-year old Mexican boy who dreams...
Movie trailers are created to present what a film is going to be about....
The audience of the Wallace Theatre on March 7 was composed of those chattering...
Hollywood filmmakers have been accused of running out of original ideas, leaving them to...
The doors of the Wallace Theatre opened at 6 p.m. March 8, and a...
Movie goers gathered March 1 to watch three Jewish films and experience the culture...
Movie magic is not just mesmerizing visual effects and loud music — it is...
The College of Architecture, Visual Arts and Design at California Baptist University has soared...
Nikon and Canon are both worth billions of dollars, produce high quality products and...
Finding the right words for ‘The Words’ proves to be difficult for moviegoers It...
Further illustrating Middle Eastern instability, a U.S. ambassador and three other American citizens were...
Tell me what brought you to CBU, what was the journey like to get...
Mark Roberson is the new Dean of the College of Art, Architecture, Design and...