While searching for employment weighs heavily on the shoulders of graduating seniors, many look for creative ways to...
Day: December 6, 2013
Cell phones allow for immediate access to the world through an array of major service providers. Keeping...
The new phone application “Skim” is the latest instant-delete messaging software available to smartphone users. Unlike regular text...
New research demonstrates that prolonged exposure to artificial blue light can result in difficulty sleeping and feelings similar...
One of the Bible’s most devastating events comes to theaters in March 2014, starring Oscar-winner, Russell Crowe in...
The Christmas season is here again. Prepare for non-stop jingles, overcrowded stores, the smell of fresh pine trees...
YouTube is a popular site to visit because of its countless unique videos. Anyone interested in learning...
I used to dislike One Direction. I enjoyed their first hit, “What Makes You Beautiful,” but quickly...
With the year coming to a close, it is time to look back at the songs...
Christmas carols, decorated trees, bright lights, holiday cooking and family are what put many in the holiday spirit,...
Sigma Delta Pi California Baptist University has been admitted to the National Collegiate Hispanic Honor Society, Sigma Delta...
Unemployment has increased to 7.3 percent in 2013, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. As a...
While the United States economy is struggling and many are looking for employment, California Baptist University is still hiring...
Mayor William “Rusty” Bailey came to California Baptist University to meet students and discuss various initiatives and promote...
California Baptist University alumnus and newly elected Councilman Yxstian Gutierrez is working to get Moreno Valley, Calif., back on...
The students’s heads slowly bow as the video starts. Their eyes turn away in a desperate...
When Santa came to visit the 5-year-old students at Magnolia Elementary School 17 years ago, a young...
More than 470 students and staff from California Baptist University gathered at Sherman Indian High School...
The summer sun beamed in through my window, warming my face as it crept in through a...
Microwave popcorn, frozen pizza, refrigerated cookie dough and coffee creamer are all items that can be found in...
Hot cocoa, Christmas cookies and pumpkin pie are typically treats enjoyed around Christmas regardless of their calorie counts, but...
Faces lit up with joy as the halls echoed with the sonorous harmonies of “O Holy Night.”...
Sleeping pills can help gain a healthier and longer sleep. These anti-anxiety drugs seem beneficial to the ever-busy...
Giving back to those in need provides opportunities to learn to display compassion toward others. Many nursing...
Icy, cold temperatures and red, scorching chili peppers have little in common however, they both aid in one...
Uncomfortable feelings of pain, throbbing inside one’s stomach and nausea are just a few indicators one may...
Talk, give, try to help. These are all things that people have said will help the homeless...
Seventy-two percent of tuition at California Baptist University is redistributed back to students. According to the CBU website,...
The rules and regulations between freshmen and upperclassmen who live on campus regarding the visiting hours for men...
Sometimes the Lord puts trials and tribulations in a person’s life in order for him or her...